At some point in our lives, we must have heard an elder person talking about the benefits onions have for hair growth. If you were astounded by the idea of using onions anywhere outside the kitchen (especially in beauty), you are not alone. However, doing just a bit of research will tell you that onions are in fact, a great hair care product.
First of all, they have multiple nutrients in them that can help with preventing hair loss. Research reveals that onion can also help in regenerating lost hair, thereby increasing hair growth. They also have great antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, meaning they will leave you with a clean scalp and healthy hair.
But let us be real- do we live the kind of life where we have the time or resources to make our own hair products with onions? The answer is no, we do not. But, this does not mean that your hair has to suffer. Your hair deserves the best care and if onions are great for your hair, then there is just the perfect line of products for you.
Biotique Advanced Organics introduces Onion Hair Care- with a line of products made from 100% organic, farm fresh produced Onion Black Seed, to help prevent hair loss and actively increase hair growth. Let us look at what these products are and what they can do for your hair.
Biotique Advanced Organics – Onion Black Seed Hair Oil
If you suffer from hair loss and a dry scalp, this is the perfect product for you. We all know the benefits of oiling hair regularly. It prevents hair breakage, drying out of hair and makes your hair nourished and hydrated. Now, imagine all this but with the added goodness of Onions. This non-greasy, non-sticky hair is the best hair oil for hair growth and thickness. It can be used on your hair regularly, or before every hair wash. This product from the Onion hair care regime will nourish your hair from root to tip and provide a healthy shine to your hair. Apart from providing optimum nourishment to your hair, Biotique Advanced Onion Hair Oil also helps in maintaining the normal pH level of the hair, thus preventing premature greying.
Directions for use: Apply well and evenly across dry scalp and hair and leave for at least half an hour. Rinse thoroughly with shampoo.

Biotique Advanced Organics – Onion Black Seed Hair Mask
Struggling to find the right product to deep condition your hair? You have come to the right place. Made with gentle, yet powerful properties of onions, this Biotique Onion Hair Mask will become an integral part of your onion hair treatment by radically preventing hair fall and conditioning your hair deeply, root to tips. It prevents hair damage caused by pollution by protecting hair, actively promoting hair growth and revitalizing your hair. This hair mask also helps to maintain a clean scalp by removing product build-up – think of the antimicrobial properties of onions. Maintaining a clean scalp helps to prevent bacterial infections on the scalp, which may lead to hair loss. Protect your hair from the dry weather and pollution from your busy day out with Biotique Hair Mask, and watch your hair become healthy and shiny.
Directions for use: Apply on hair and scalp and leave on for thirty minutes. Rinse off with shampoo. Apply once or twice per week according to your need.

Biotique Advanced Organics – Onion Black Seed Hair Shampoo
Wondering if there is a shampoo that won’t completely dry out your hair and leave it rough and brittle? Presenting one that will gently cleanse your scalp and hair, along with providing deep nourishment and shine from your root to tips. This Onion hair shampoo is easily the best shampoo for hair loss. Not only does it prevent hair loss, but the nutrients present in this shampoo from the Himalayan Onion Black seed will also help in regrowth of hair. This shampoo also has antioxidants that strengthen the hair and prevents it from breakage and being thin and brittle. Give your hair the intense nourishment that it needs with biotique onion shampoo.

The nutrients that onions contain are practically irreplaceable by any other ingredient. We can no longer avoid the benefits that Onions have in caring for our hair. Start your onion hair care treatment immediately with Biotique Advanced Organics and witness the powerful transformation of your hair.